Posts by ZunZun

    The fact that chewitt didn't know what he was talking about regarding Dreambox has been clear from the beginning when he didn't even know that LibreELEC images don't work on this device no matter how much he insists on sending people to read info about things he hasn't even tested with a Dreambox. My question was directed to @emanuel.

    The silence of _emanuel_ is enlightening, if he has not said anything about it is because he knows that there are all those problems in LibreELEC that you mention but he has no way to solve them.

    If those who have a Dreambox and have tried LibreELEC haven't noticed all this up to this point is because they have simply only run 1080p videos max, haven't enabled Expert mode to see that in some versions there is no passthrough and haven't tried to change the language or play a 3D SBS or HOU video. LibreELEC this way is completely useless. Of course this is not solved by blaming others for trying solutions before asking.

    I've not bothered to read the full contents of your test report. I stopped about 10% into the text; by which point it's obvious that you are a) expecting feature parity with Amlogic vendor kernel images, b) blindly changing settings expecting miracles. Please go read any recent LE release notes (anything from the last couple of years) which contains clear statements on the current state of mainline kernel Amlogic support (nothing has changed much in years). What worries me the most is users with wildly unrealistic expectations for the AMLGX image because they don't read.

    NB: You are welcome to continue experimenting with AMLGX, but I don't need bug reports. The issues and current state are all well known (and documented). You are also welcome to continue using the factory Android image, which works, with all features.

    I have bothered to read quite a few of your posts 100% and there are a few things that stand out:
    a) you can not properly answer a message without having read it in its entirety, unless the intention is to mock the questioner as you do in many of your answers to the users of this forum.
    b) the factory image on a Dreambox is not Android, which shows your knowledge about this device.
    c) I have also changed the configuration in a similar way as Marsam has done and it is not to do it blindly, but to follow what some users of this same forum indicate that it has worked for them with 4K UHD videos. If you read the user posts in full you would realize that.
    What worries me is that you invite to read documentation without even reading the complete messages of the people who participate in this forum. Part of the documentation you refer to is WRONG:

    As box images can be used on many devices you must configure the device-tree file to use first. This is done by editing uEnv.ini in the root folder of the SD card. Change @@DTB_NAME@@ to the name of the .dtb file to use. Current supported device-tree files are in the dtb folder.

    @emanuel already made clear that it is not possible to boot a LibreELEC image on a Dreambox with the documentation above. However, you were telling me in this thread that it was the right thing to do:

    December 19, 2024 at 1:55 PM

    If you can't figure that out from looking at the list of files in the "amlogic" folder on the SD card, support ends here.

    You are right, I was wrong. First I had to create the bootable USB Card but I got the following error in Balena Etcher when loading the file:

    Error opening source

    Something went wrong while opening LibreELEC-AMLGX.aarch64-12.0.1-box.img.gz.

    Error: (0 , hrequestMetadata) is not a function

    I had to use an old version of LibreELEC USB-SD Creator because the latest one doesn't work on my old computer.

    Now I’ve already seen it in the folder you say:


    In other words, this needs to be changed:


    To this:


    Or this:


    I understand that this is all that is needed for the latest version of CoreELEC to work perfectly on a Dreambox.

    As box images can be used on many devices you must configure the device-tree file to use first. This is done by editing uEnv.ini in the root folder of the SD card. Change @@DTB_NAME@@ to the name of the .dtb file to use. Current supported device-tree files are in the dtb folder. For example, here is the default uEnv.ini file:

    bootargs=boot=UUID=2306-0801 disk=UUID=8268da37-3a8d-4f6d-aba0-08918faded56 quiet systemd

    To boot a Beelink GT-King box change @@DTB_NAME@@ to meson-g12b-gtking.dtb

    bootargs=boot=UUID=2306-0801 disk=UUID=8268da37-3a8d-4f6d-aba0-08918faded56 quiet systemd

    Ok, got it. So according to that just have to change that name, @@DTB_NAME@@, and then follow the 6 steps above, right?

    But in the case of a Dreambox ONE or TWO, what name should I put?

    Correct. Dreambox(es) use vendor u-boot and should use the 'box' image with the relevant dtb name configured in uEnv.ini

    Thanks. I don't quite understand what you mean. I don't know if I need to modify something.

    Do I only have to follow these steps to install LibreELEC and nothing more?:

    1. Download the flash tool balenaEtcher and open it.

    2. Insert the SD card into the SD slot of the computer.

    3. Load the desired image.

    4. Burn the image to the SD card by clicking on the flash button.

    5. Insert the flashed SD card into the Dreambox and start the Dreambox.

    6. The image from the SD card is launched in the Dreambox.