Just got one of these cheapo boards (branded as x96mini), and you may have saved it from going straight to landfill.
The stock Android is terrible, but LibreELEC seems to run pretty well on it, so thanks a lot!
Ethernet and Wi-Fi doesn't work, although ethernet doesn't work on stock too (ip link reports no-carrier), so might be a hardware issue on mine.
I've gotten around it with a USB ethernet adapter I had laying around.
Some notes from my messing around:
Sadly adb doesn't seem to work with either USB A-to-A (could be the cable idk) or over network, so to be able to poke around I installed TermOne Plus and used a reverse shell so I could test things from my laptop:
On laptop:
nc -l -p 2222 | tee -a shell.log
On box:
rm -f f;mknod f p; cat f | sh -i 2>&1 | busybox nc 2222 > f
I also used nc to copy files of it, as TermOne didn't seem to be able to write do internal storage or the USB stick I had in it, even when it had the storage permission enabled. Nor was ftp/ssh etc available by default.
Some files:
Ended up dumping DTB from both image and /proc as I wasn't sure if I did it correctly from the image, both attached should they be useful somehow.
Plus a couple of pics of the board: