Posts by drollo

    Please try the appropriate dtb for your system from the attachments.
    Unzip and copy the following line to the amlogic folder on the SD card, then edit the first line in uEnv.ini:


    This DTB only includes the Ethernet PHY modification, but nothing else specific to the box.

    EDIT: iperf3 results with the modified DTB on Sunwell T95Z Plus (2GB/16GB) @ LibreELEC v12.0.2:

    LE v12.0.2:
    LE v13-nightly (20250226-23a3c47):

    Hi, I own a T95z plus aswell and I had some issues whith LE12 like bad network connection, not working remote hardware, etc. And I would like ti try this dtb you have uploaded. Can it be applied on an already deployed box with LE12 or must by applied on a new installation from scratch?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work.

    Finally I decided to try with LE12 q200 versión and it boots but at first WiFi didn't connect with network even when the password was rigth. I changed in uEnv.ini to q201 without flashing again what by the way I don't know if has any effect and on the next boot already connected to WiFi and I was able to complete the configuration and install add-ons.

    A few issues I have seen are:
    - Remote doesn't work, I have tried everything I could find about and follow the guide on wiki but stopping kodi and eventlirc and writting ir-keytable -p all -t only gives (imon) events but nothing related to infrared.

    - Sometimes it suddenly reboots with no reason but it's completly random so I haven't found any pattern about the reason.

    Thanks for all your work.

    Hi to all, it's amazong how much this scene has grown since the last time I look for a solution about upgrade an old T95z plus 3G/32G I have stucked in CE 9.2.5 for years.

    I have been reading in this forum and the wiki about versions and procedure to deploy image on SD card but I would you to recommend wich version could better for T95z plus 3G/32G because I read in version LE11 there is an specific dtb for it but I cannot find it in LE12.

    Are q200 or q201 working fine enough in LE12 to not need an specific dtb?
    Is it possible to use LE11 dtb on LE12 ?

    Any help or advice will be well reveived.

    Thanks in advance.