Hi, I've bought another rtc and checked the battery voltage, 3,3V and followed again the guide with same results, +2 hour. So I've tried command hwclock -u -w and time now is perfect. I don't understand why but works. Anyway I'd like to know what's happening
Posts by Sbrez81
ok thanks. I'll take another rtc but with an external battery
Thanks all, ok I'll change the module with a new one. Any advise? At the moment I'm using the same of the guide, DS3231 in M version, I've red that SN version would be better. I've seen also DS1307 thas has external quartz.
I've already checked the battery and it's ok, these are results and I don't undestand why I see ds1307, mine is ds3231 and in config.txt is correct
Sorry for delay
I've made both the tests and these are results
CodeLibreELEC:~ # hwclock -r Sat Sep 7 23:26:46 2024 0.000000 seconds LibreELEC:~ # hwclock -u -r Sun Sep 8 01:27:19 2024 0.000000 seconds LibreELEC:~ # timedatectl Failed to query server: The name org.freedesktop.timedate1 was not provided by any .service files
I'm still not connected but I'm doing so on purpose because this pi will be not connected on internet
After connection to internet these are new results
Yesterday time was completely wrong
.. anyway, time zone setting in Libreelec is correct and internet is still down so
Hi everyone
Sorry to revive this post but I can't find a solution for my problem
I've followed this guide to install a rtc in my raspberry pi with Libreeec, but it seems not to work properly. After the reboot without connection, the on screen clock is wrong, probably is showing the yesterday time but if I use hwclock -r the time is perfect.
What should I do to solve this issue
Thanks in advance
PS. Sorry for my english