Posts by JonnyGators

    For those looking for useful instructions - allow me to demonstrate how to actually answer a question.

    The enabling of the audio output on the 3.5mm audio jack can be done by doing the following:

    Open an ssh session into the pi, signing in as root and the root password set when setting up the pi (I use putty in windows to do this)


    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    This sets it so you can edit the config file.

    to edit the config file, use the command:

    nano /flash/config.txt

    edit the file by adding in the line


    Exit out of nano by pressing ctrl-x, when prompted to save type Y

    To set things back into read only mode, use the command

    mount -o remount,ro /flash

    Restart the pi - this can be done from the ssh session with the command of:


    Once Kodi restarts, you need to change the audio output to the now available option of the 3.5 output.

    (That this only enables the option to easily set it as an audio output, rather than actually enable it, makes it that much stupid that the option isn't there by default. To intentionally add a barrier to an option that end users may want to easily select is the exact opposite of what programmers should be doing!)

    go into settings - system - audio

    highlight Audio output device

    highlight/select ALSA;bcm2835 Headphones bcm2835 Headphones.

    With that output now selected, you should now hear audio coming out of the jack, and can now judge for yourself whether or not this is an adequate option for your purposes, rather than some developer trying to make the decision for you.

    I fail to see the logic of a default installation of an audio player application having the audio output disabled.

    Do you not understand it's an AUDIO PLAYER!?!?!?!?

    This is about the dumbest programming setting I have ever encountered in my entire life!

    Reading through this thread, I do not understand at all what is supposed to be made of this information to manually re-enable the audio output. Again - for an AUDIO OUTPUT PLAYER!!!!!

    Could someone please for the love of god fix this stupidity, so I can actually listen to the audio that is being played on my audio player?