Posts by fuinril

    Well, it helped me. Knowing the issue was with the zeroconf discovery I entered my credentials in the user options field and it now work perfectly.

    If anyone has the same issue the syntax to put in the user option field is


    -O -u [username] -p [password]

    The only thing that annoys me is my credentials are in plain text in the conf interface of Kodi, but well I'll bear with it.

    Thank for the help anyways

    Android here, so airplay is not an option.

    I tried to reinstall the service: same issue.

    After enabling the advanced logs I have something about it in kodi logs if it can help.


    Using my pi4 with libreelec 12.0.0 on it for the first time after a bit more of one month. Everything worked fine and still works BUT librespot which display a popup "Librespot failed X/5" and then a final one 'Too many failure'.

    I do not find any log about this error, nor on Kodi interface, nor on ssh (not really sure about where to search, nothing on ~/.kodi/temp).

    The device if not detected when using spoitify from my phone.

    No new update. I do not find anyone with the same issue recently anywhere on forums. Any idea ?