Posts by Grmpf

    Disabling DHCP alltogether is not an option here, i want it to work for guests.

    And sure, it "kindof" works now - however, since apparently the router only syncs when it boots, the time *will* drift again in the future, and having to remember to reboot the router when that happens is annoying - i'd prefer some script to issue that ntpd command. Or ideally, libreelec could be fixed to work as expected :)


    But any network connection can be configured individually and the NTP setting will override the DHCP.

    Thats what you'd think - but it apparently doesn't work like this. I filled in all 3 NTP servers with one of the pool - it would still grab the (wrong) time from my router (via DHCP).

    My guess would be that those aren't actually "override", but they are always "fallback", and DHCP happens no matter what. That would totally explain what is happening at least.

    You are my hero!

    Now that you said it, i checked my routers web interface - and indeed the time is off by the same amount. Restarted the router - and all is fine. Unfortunately though, i cant set up anything there (neither use another NTP server, or even disable it, or make it poll the time in regular intervals... nada). That basically means to get reliable time, i must use something else than the router and ignore it.

    I already used explicit servers in the libreelec config - but that doesn't change anything. So is there another way to make it ignore DHCP? seems strange that it would use the DHCP provided server even when you provide one in the config.


    I am running libreelec on a raspi v3 with no RTC. I have set up the timezone in the regional settings, and libreelec DOES get the ("a") time via NTP quite obviously (else it would be totally off). Basically everything works fine - except the time it uses is always about 6 minutes into the future! I have no explanation for this (it cant be a wrong timezone, for example). Even more puzzling is, that i can set the correct time manually just fine, like

    LibreELEC (official): 11.0.6 (RPi2.arm) 
    LibreELEC:~ # date
    Mon Jul 22 00:27:26 CEST 2024 
    LibreELEC:~ # ntpd -p
    LibreELEC:~ # date
    Mon Jul 22 00:21:13 CEST 2024

    I have already googled a bit and tried a dozen things suggested here and elsewhere - but no change. This seems a very weird issue. Some hints as to how to try to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! (An acceptable workaround would be adding the ntpd call to a script that runs once after startup, i guess - but thats seems hacky)