I have marked this as resolved. The currently nightlies feel stable (at least for a nightly version). I update regularly (once a week) and are fixing the issues I have! Thanks for the effort in this!
Posts by Jeroened
Hi, I can confirm above finding. While I did not have time yet to fully reformat my installation, I just updated to nightly 20250211-432dddf from a remote location and tested using starting the streams from yatse without seeing if it really worked I did see kodi did not segfault.
iptv simple and inputstrea.ffmpegdirect did update to latest versions. Not yet sure whether I really want to use a nightly version for now.
carlsen:~/.kodi/addons # cat pvr.iptvsimple/addon.xml | grep '<addon'
<addon id="pvr.iptvsimple" version="" name="IPTV Simple Client" provider-name="nightik and Ross Nicholson">
carlsen:~/.kodi/addons # cat inputstream.ffmpegdirect/addon.xml | grep '<addon'
<addon id="inputstream.ffmpegdirect" version="" name="Inputstream FFmpeg Direct" provider-name="Ross Nicholson"> -
Will be a weekend project. Would a totally blank install be favorable as well? So no extra themes, addons and configuration clutter?
I tried to find out which 2 these are but they seem both the same service as I can see them both coming up when enabling remote control via http (required for yatse in my case) and changing the port makes the new port being opened 2 times as well
Hi, sorry for bothering again, it seems that pastekodi did not upload my actual crash log. Please see the attached file.
I have following issue since LE12 was first released and since 12.0.2 still was suffering I tried to dig in.
So, when I set up a playlist and enable timeshift starting any stream may or may not start. It seems to be very random. I tend to say it crashes more than it starts but the moment it starts you don't need to try again outside a testing environment, so it's more a biased feeling.
I'm very unsure where the problem is (libreelec, kodi, ffmpeg, iptv simple) so I hope you can find out in the debug log and redirect me to the proper forum. The only setting I needed to crash it was a playlist (I took my own playlist of radio stations, it's public and available in the crashlog) and enable timeshift with only default settings.
Hope this gets resolved.
Thanks in advance
I fixed the issue meanwhile.
I totally didn't know what the issue was besides being a/v sync issues that kept getting worse somehow and got fixed by a system restore. The problem appeared to the fact that my TV (a low-end phiips/tv-vision of 2018) does not support 23.976 fps but says he does or so but when kodi switched to fractional rates it switched to 24 or 30 or 60 instead causing A/V sync issues and causing a resync. So, I updated my whitelist to remove the fractional ones and via advanced settings I created a manual override which solved the issue including the stuttering that appeared when always using 60. Not the ideal situation, but the closest one. I think I mainly needed to sit down and look at the issue.
I also never intended the report an issue unless I was really sure it was kodi or LE. The OP just was because I found it weird I screwed my installation by emptying a folder I thought was intended for caching files.
This was certainly one big troubleshooting class.
The thing is that I wasn't really considering specific kodi issues. I was assuming issues with alsa (since the issues were mostly audio processing related) so clearing a more generic cache was more reasonable. I still need to look into the issue deeper, the only thing I can say for now is that the issues keep growing until it gets unbearable and than I can only fix it with a system reset and configure everything all over again manually. So I was looking into something to avoid the system reset
Anyway thanks for the answer. At least I learned to stay away from the /storage/.cache
Yesterday I had issues with my libreelec installation which I think is related to some cache being full. So, I wanted to remove all caches and renamed /storage/.cache and rebooted. This seemed to be my brightest idea ever. Not.
It appears that the hostname and several other system files are located in .cache. To me clearing this folder was a reasonable step as the temporary nature of cache which to me seems reasonable to save cache in a cache folder? So, just out of question: why is the .cache folder used for important system files?