Posts by Seth

    I had installed the LibreELEC_RPi2_926 by inadvertence the first time (I didn't know it was an older version of LE) and it didn't work. Nothing happened. I tried today by the method you told me with the LE version up to date but still nothing ! Or the other LE version on Pinn is working.

    It seems it could really be a problem of the uSD card. I will try another one and let you know next week.

    Thanks for helping all of you !

    No - I mean that you said you hadn't flashed it. Raspberry Pi imager and Balena Etcher both flash micro SD cards - I was trying to clarify what you had done if you hadn't flashed it. Flashing = writing the img.gz file to the uSD card using an imager program. If you used Pi Imager and manually selected the downloaded img.gz file with no customisation you've done the same thing as me.

    Yes that's what I've done.

    uSD cards can fail in many ways - it's just a normal troubleshooting step. There are very few things that can go wrong - but the uSD card is one of them.

    I always use Samsung EVO cards - seldom had an issue with them. As for size - it depends what you want to store on the uSD card. If your media is on external drives and you just want to keep your library on your uSD card - then 32GB or 64GB is probably fine. I buy the 64GB and 128GB these days in the Pis I still use uSD cards with (I've got Pi 5s running NVME SSDs on M.2 hats)

    Ok 'I'll try that or another one depending what I find.

    Do you only have Linux computers?


    So you mean I just can't use my uSD card directly using Imager and I need to prepare the card first, to flash it via gparted in FAT 32 ? But do I need to make different partitions in FAT 32 on the sd card ?

    I din't try any other uSD card because I really didn't have a clue it could work with a software and not working with another one. And I don't have any other uSD card. Is there one size and constructor that is better ? So I can buy one to see if it works best.

    Using linux without beeing a geek, it's too complicate for me to install balenaEtcher since they don't have a .deb file for it.

    "PINN is An enhanced Operating System installer for the Raspberry Pi

    PINN is a version of the NOOBS Operating System Installer for the Raspberry Pi. See the change history below for the additional features.

    Documentation on how to use PINN can be found in, which includes all of the original NOOBS documentation."

    ( )

    It allows you to install and charge different OS directly. But of what I understand only the latest versions.

    I didn't flashed my sd card because one told me the IMAGER do all that needs to be done. Maybe it's wrong and I need to format and make partitions ? I don't think the failure comes from the uSD card since I can install LE through PINN.

    I definitely have a Rasberry 3 B+, just checked on the mother card.

    I don't see anything on my tv screen connected through HDMI, just a black screen with the message 'no signal". I tought it could be the HDMI cable but once again it works with LE installed via PINN.

    Thanks once more for helping

    Thanks for helping a newbie like me ! I downloaded this one LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2.6.img.gz

    I will try the one you told me. I'll do that right now and let you know right away.

    Thanks again !

    Unfortunately like all my tries, nothing happens when I start the rasberry pi. Even if I plug out and in again it doesn't start...

    It works with PINN that I installed and reinstalled a few times now so I don't understand what the problem can be with the old version of LE.

    Thanks for you reply. Tried what you said but at the end of the writing with RPI it said "ERROR : partition has no FAT file". Don't know if it's normal. I downloaded LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6. Maybe it's not the good file ?

    Thanks once again for you help.

    Hello ! I don't make it work. As I have to remove PINN to install Libreelec 9.2.6 I formated the micro SD card in Fat 32 and wrote the image (that I extract from the img.gz file I had of LibreElec with the RPI imager. It said everything went good but when I start my Rasberry with the sd card in it nothing happens. I don't understand what I do wrong.

    Hello !

    Thanks a lot for your answer. I found the wiki to downgrade and a thread where you give also advices how to do it. I have a question tough. I installed LibreElec via PINN. I guess that I will not be able to downgrade Librelec using PINN ? Do I need to erase all my sd card and install directly Libreelec 9.2.8 on it ?

    By curiosity : why the newest version does not take with it the ancient decoding CPU + GPU metod ? When a upgrade is made on a software it's to be better and better, no ? And of what I understand the 1080P H265 is a newer format ? So why this choice not to take the old features ?

    Thanks again !

    Hello !

    First, sorry for my english I'm a frog ! I'm a beginner with a rasberry pi 3B+ and Libreelec and not at all a geek (but using linux for years). If I can play the most of my video files on my tv not a 4K tv, it doesn't work for those that are 1080p H265 (often videos in the native language with subtitles). I tried to read, to search the net and to play with the settings without any success. After reading some things on the onternet I tried to search for the HEVC add-on. I only found HEIF add-on. I installed it anyway but without success. I would appreciate some help.

    Thanks !