Posts by tuwisp123

    Hello everyone

    I recently purchased an IP to DVB-T modulator for laboratory testing and experimentation.
    The modulator is 8 carriers with IP and ASI input.

    I am trying to convert the signal coming out of TVHEADEND in the IPTV list to UDP to use the modulator and pass it to DVB-T2

    At the top of the list you can see the channel called ZOOM
    This channel was provided to me by a TV provider and I use it as a reference

    At the bottom of the list is the channel that I am trying to send through UDP using ffmpeg, but it does not detect the channel, only the transmission, the elements do not appear as it does in the ZOOM channel and therefore I cannot send it to the RF output of the modulator (seen on the right)

    The command I am using to transform with ffmpeg is
    ffmpeg -re -i…20TV%20%7C%20CO -vcodec mpeg2video -s 720x576 -r 25 -flags cgop+ilme -sc_threshold 1000000000 -b:v 2M -minrate:v 2M -maxrate:v 2M -bufsize:v 1.4M -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -b:a 192k -f mpegts udp://


    Someone know how to use ffmpeg to transcoding Tvheadend http to UDB for DVB-T2

    Thank you very much