Posts by rmeigs

    I tried the move of mv /storage/.kodi/ to /storage/.kodi.old/. It did not help the lack of choices for Viewtype. The fun news was reversing the renaming did not get the expected results with a bunch of missing files and folders in .kodi. I pulled it out of my weekly backup .tar so at least at ground zero. I may do a new SD image and reconfigure a new Libreelec 12.0.0 and peace it all back together.

    Thanks for your help.

    I have 12.0 Libreelec using Estuary on RBPi4. Till recently I used "Infowall" for all videos in library. A week ago it changed to "Wall" for all videos and no longer offers "Infowall" as a choice for Viewtype. My other Kodi (identical) still has "Infowall". Any ideas for fixing this?