Posts by RayRay

    I installed Librelec on my android tv box that has a rockchip 3229 in it recently. It has 8gb of storage on the mmc and 2gb of ram. I installed it to the mmc using multitool and my storage is already full. df -h returns this: LibreELEC:/ # df -h
    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    devtmpfs                934.9M      4.0K    934.9M   0% /dev
    tmpfs                   400.2M     13.1M    387.1M   3% /run
    /dev/mmcblk1p1          511.7M    178.7M    333.0M  35% /flash
    /dev/loop0              168.5M    168.5M         0 100% /
    /dev/mmcblk1p2          159.5M    145.5M     10.5M  93% /storage
    tmpfs                  1000.4M         0   1000.4M   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                  1000.4M      4.0K   1000.4M   0% /var
    tmpfs                  1000.4M         0   1000.4M   0% /tmp Parted returns this when getting info about the mmc: LibreELEC:/ # parted /dev/mmcblk1 print
    Model: MMC 8WPD3R (sd/mmc)
    Disk /dev/mmcblk1: 7818MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Disk Flags:

    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
    1      16.8MB  554MB   537MB   primary  fat16        boot, lba
    2      554MB   7818MB  7265MB  primary  ext4
    I tried touch /storage/.please_resize_me already and it didn’t work. Am I being stupid and have already filled up my storage? I was using a 2gb micro sd card before this so I feel like 8gb should be plenty for some simple iptv and stuff. Help is very appreciated, thanks!