Posts by Coldstream

    Hello, i'm currently struggling with the following and i hope someone can help me forward with the following:

    I'm currently running libreelec nightly on a chromebook so just general x86_64 just fine, and to get pvr simple iptv player running the channels from my provider i run this script in the background that basically works like a proxy and generates both m3u and xml file, it works fine even though getting all the modules was difficult without pip. Yeah, the script is in python, its made as a service and it starts automatic.
    However, after a while the script gets timed out, not exactly sure after what time but that doesn't matter, it's just that i currenrtly need to ssh to my setup and do a

    systemctl stop pvr-script.service && systemctl start pvr-script.service &

    However, is there any way i can run this script anywhere in kodi where i can set it, or perhaps even every time the pvr channel is changed or gets opened?

    I currently have no idea where i could look for this, or if it's even possible.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Much apriciated! Thanks