Posts by random-user1448

    Hello, I recently configured a pi for an employee breakroom and I was able to lock down the Kodi UI almost as much as I wanted to and the Samsung remote that came with the TV is working with CEC almost 100% (the channel up/down does not work, the up/down arrows do this instead). This is fine for where the TV is going.

    Now I am tasked with preparing a pi for an area with senior citizens who are also invalids. So, I need the remote and Kodi UI very very easy to use and paired-down so to speak. I need the channel up/down to work. I don't want extraneous PVR things like Recordings and Timers and such. I just want the Guide and Channels.

    The last one we set up as IPTV Simple Client, because it is an IPTV feed. Do you have any suggestions to help me make the next one even more user friendly?

    To summarize, I need:
    1. A usb-dongle remote that works out of the box and is easy for users to use (especially channel up/down buttons)
    2. A very simple UI with only guide and channels

    LE boots from two files: KERNEL (the kernel) and SYSTEM (userspace) .. the latter is expanded on boot to create a virtual (read-only) fileystem. If you look at the SD card directly you'll only see the two files (and some other RPi boot stuff). You can unsquash or mount the SYSTEM file, but it will be easiest to just boot the RPi5 normally and do things from inside LE, e.g. from a booted device you can do "cp -R /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.custom" to clone skin files, then edit on /storage. Once you have cloned/renamed/selected the custom skin you can use kodi-send --action="ReloadSkin()" to live-test changes.

    chewitt , I have commented out the power button icon and saved the file. But I don't understand how to select the custom skin. I ran that command in the skin folder but it did not do anything because I'm obviously not doing it right.

    chewitt , thank you so much for your amazing help. I have SSH-ed into the pi and copied the skin into the directory you provided. I then renamed addon.xml to add-on.xml. Then I went into the xml folder where I found Home.xml and opened the file using nano. I am looking through it now, but I don't see where the power button is, and when I do find it, how do I make it hidden or unclickable?

    P.S. I will be making an in-depth how-to on this for beginners like me once I am finished.

    Again, thank you so much for your help. I know it is annoying because I ask very basic questions.

    chewitt , I am using an Ubuntu terminal on my Windows machine to access the SD card files. It took me a while to figure out how to mount it so that Ubuntu could see it. Now I have it mounted in /mnt/d and running the 'file' command shows it is a squashfs filesystem etc etc. But I cannot see anything else. When I do 'ls' it says operation not supported. Do I just copy the whole contents of that directory into another one and then unsquash it? I'm confused. If you can't tell, I am a *nix and LibreELEC noob.

    Looking for a way to:

    • have LibreElec turn back on if power was lost and then recovered. Like AC recovery settings in BIOS of some machines
    • Hide shutdown option OR
    • Make it so that the device and OS power on if intentionally turned off

    Device: Raspberry Pi 5

    OS: LibreELEC/Kodi latest version

    The situation is: break room TV for employees that should always be on in the background. Trying to reduce calls to the helpdesk to power the device back on.

    Thank you in advance.