Ok. So, I used the 8gb micro-sd card that I was running on before, and flashed it with the link you provided above. I used balenaEtcher to write it this time instead of the LibreELEC creator app.
I have an SD to micro-SD interface and then a USB to SD device. I have used this in the past, including this morning to write a pfSense image to another micro-SD card that booted fine on my router/firewall (upgrading to 2.7.2, but that's another story).
When I put the card in the reader, I can see 2 partitions:
I am also able to view the LIBREELEC partition and can open files:
Same behavior as before. I plug power in, the red light turns on, no blue light, and after a few seconds the network jack lights start to blink.
To make sure I wasn't crazy, I also wrote the 9.0.2 image from libreelec.tv to the same micro-SD card. This is the version that was on the card before and was running.
I put the card in my ODroid C2, red light comes on, blue light blinks, monitor wakes up.
I would really like to get a newer version of Kodi running as some of my apps had stopped working. Any ideas of what next steps I can take?