Posts by schiway

    does "lirc-rpi.dtb" exist in the /flash/overlays folder?

    yes, I use the original one from berryboot, and even tried to replace it with librelelec 7.900.06's, but nothing happened, i assume it is a berryboot problem, because when i use libreelec 7.900.06 into sd, it worked, but with berryboot, it did not.

    any solutions?

    Hi, since libreelec is so tiny, I do not wanna just have it in my 16g SD and plug it into rpi2.
    I tried to used berryboot, but it seems putting "dtoverlay=lirc-rpi" into config.txt doesn't work at all.
    what should I do now? If any other information needed, please leave me a message here. I will keep posting.
