Posts by DragonDroid

    Most probably emmc has failed as you said! You've been very specific on explaining boot methods and thanks a lot. So I should keep using them only using Le Potato image (VIM1 only gives my one working USB port) installed and booted from SD card?

    Hi. I have some 'bricked' s905x boards that when i use burning tool they always stuck at '7% Formatting' and get error DiskInit Error! Tried many different images but looks like emmc is broken.

    Tried to boot from SD card using LE, and tried all compatible dtb files but boards don't even try to boot from SD card.

    Finally, tried LE for Khadas VIM1 and for Le Potato, and boards boot and work from SD normally (without wifi but ethernet works ok)

    I noticed, that the files on SD for generic s905x and those of VIM1&Le Potato are totally different! Is that the reason tha generic images don't boot?
