Posts by vbs

    Thank you, I will give it a try.

    I am having some problems with this image. One is related to playing videos (sometimes do not start) and one is related to waking up from standby. Are you interested in more detailed bug reports?

    This is not a complain and I am very grateful for your images and I am aware that those are test images not meant for productive usage.

    I am a bit lost about how to configure video levels to "RGB Full" on the GPU driver.

    In the past (on Leia) I configured the GPU to "RGB Full" using xrandr like this:

    xrandr --output HDMI1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"

    But in this image there is no xrandr. Maybe it is not using X11 anymore?

    Is there a different way to configure GPU video levels? I am using a NUC7i5BNK

    Thank you!


    for some years I was following the status of HDR support in Kodi for Intel NUC devices here:

    November 23, 2018 at 7:33 PM

    The latest test image from that thread worked nicely on my 7th gen NUC. Sadly that thread was closed and I could not find any further information regarding that topic since then.

    So may I ask what the current status of this feature is or is there another thread where this topic is discussed? What is currently missing (roughly)? Is anything missing from Kodi? Is kernel development needed? Integration into LibreELEC?

    Sorry for all the question, thanks for some answers.

    just grab 2 usb sticks. use the custom libreelec installer from their download page and install SMP's image on one. boot with both inserted and install on the other. Easy

    Thanks, that was a good idea. I did that and had it running quite quickly!

    I did a short test and HDR is working out of the box on my NUC7i5BNK. I have to test it more thoroughly tho, but this is great! Thanks alot for the work!

    Same for me sadly on the NUC7i5BNK. Logs is like this:

    Tried "Direct-To-Plane" and "EGL" in the PRIME settings.