Ciao miclass, I should have solved it. Please try this test image.
I have to thank you because you helped me solve a problem that has always been there in my builds.
And nothing pushed to github?
Ciao miclass, I should have solved it. Please try this test image.
I have to thank you because you helped me solve a problem that has always been there in my builds.
And nothing pushed to github?
hi LynxChaus , the legacy rockchip kernel (used by libreelec 9.2 builds) sets the resolution to 1280x720 if it doesn't read the edid. the mainline kernel instead (used by my builds) does the same thing but sets a lower and more compatible resolution.
Some users have had the same problem as you in the past, but I preferred not to change the behavior of the kernel because you can follow this guide (read carefully because some commands are exclusively for x86/x86_64 architectures)
Thnx. EDID override generation on ARM platform need slightly other steps described here - custom edid and RK3399
Quotetaking a pre-compiled edid like this
This generator out-of-date. Yes, for setting video modes it work, but it lacks CTA-861 Extension Block where described Audio channels & so.
Hi there, is it possible to add support for the SV6158 wi-fi chip?
Forget about it. It's internally connected via SDIO-2.0 interface, same as my RTL8723cs - and it can't transfer faster than 50-55 megabits. Buy any $1 USB-WiFi dongle instead - same crap, but it's a supported crap!
Hi all,
a new build of libreelec 11 available with:
Boot my Scishion V88-4k box with wifi rt8723cs - it's works, but HDMI output fixed at 1024x768 without sound (on board 3.5 jack output works). I see - EDID form TV not fetched (i think, this is cheap TV problem, previous knaerzche build not fetch it too), but knaerzche build somehow get correct modes from HDMI and switch output to 1280x720p60.