Posts by upssala


    I trief my 2 existing Raspis (version 1) and (1B+ V1.2) to give them a new KODI because the (VERY!) old one doesn't allow me to connect to my network through SMBv1 since there is no support of it in Windows 11 anymore for security reasons (only SMBv2 and SMBv3).

    Therefore I installed LibreELEC-RPi.arm-9.2.6.img.gz for RPi1 on an empty SD card.
    The systems booted very well (although very slow). I could go through the configuration) routine which starts with selecting the language...

    At the end I could see my files over the network - the chosen configuration was active as long as the system was running - wonderful!

    After reboot (later on when I have repeated this process many times I went to shutdown to avoid loosing the configuration - because it could eventually gone lost because I forgit to shutdown correctly...) I ALWAYS came to the initial screen to configure the system. It always was starting with the question about the language and suggested the default: "english" (which I every time hat changed to german)

    All other settings where lost as well, like WLAN or the network directory where the videos resides.

    At the end I bought a newly Raspi 4 a couple of days ago with a new SD card (Yes it is a "class 10" card).
    Same result!

    There is no possibility to LOCK the card by hardware for writing processes (since it was able to bring LIBREELEC to it)

    For this RPi4 system I used LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0.5.img.gz with the very same behaviour.

    It seems to me that I'm doing a very simple mistake - but after some days of trying - I haven't any glue what I'm doing wrong.
    Is there somewhere any variable / setting which resists saving my configuration by default or is there a command i didn't see to save?
    But there seems nobody out there havong the same problem - and I couldn't discover any suggestion in yout instaalation guides to save the configuration...

    Any help or ideas appreciated.
