Posts by coleb

    It works!

    I added both USB DAC modules (device_id=USB and device_id=Impacto) to the script :

    # Provide ALSA output
    pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device_id=Impacto >> $PULSEAUDIO_MODULES_FILE # Impacto
    pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device_id=USB >> $PULSEAUDIO_MODULES_FILE # AudioBox USB
    pactl load-module module-alsa-sink >> $PULSEAUDIO_MODULES_FILE # Hdmi

    now i can switch between the interfaces HDMI, USB Audio DAC and Impacto DAC via .brutefir.config:

    # module and parameters to put audio
    output "left", "right" {
    device: "pulse" {
    # server: ""; # Host to connect to
    app_name: "BruteFIR 1.0o-pulse module"; # This application name
    # device: "alsa_output.default"; # -> select HDMI
    # device: "alsa_output.Impacto.analog-stereo"; # -> select Impacto USB Dac
    device: "alsa_output.USB.analog-stereo"; # - > select Audio Box USB-DAC
    stream_name: "Output of BruteFIR service";
    sample: "S16_LE"; # sample format
    channels: 2/0,1; # number of open channels / which to use
    mute: false,false; # mute active on startup for each channel

    ´Chipfunk, you are my hero !

    Hello chipfunk,

    I think i need support in getting the Usb-Dacs to work together with brutefir.

    Could you please give me some advice? The name of the Usb-Dac Alsa Devices are attached below.

    In the first place there is no need to operate brutefir with hdmi and usb-dac, usb-dac and brutefir alone would be perfectly fine.

    So maybe you can advise some concrete modifications of the existing standard hdmi setup?

    thanks in advance

    Hello chipfunk,

    here's a short update.

    Your Brutefir adaptation works great !

    I did the room correction measurement with REW and created suitable filters with REW and RePhase.

    Replacing the "dirac pulse" with the created new filter .txt files did not work at the beginning. No sound. Later i figured out that i missed to set the filter_length in the .brutefir_config in accordance to the selected filter lenght to 65536 (before 1024). Now it works :) :)

    Did not expect to get it working that fast.

    Next i try to get the external DACs to operate with brutefir.

    Kudos to you and all brutefir contributors.

    best regards

    yes, i can confirm that after selecting the PULSE:Null Output audio works via HDMI.

    I certainly will come back to you once i'll try to activate my USB-DAC(s) ihave attached to the TV box instead of the HDMI as sink(s) for brutfir output. And setting up a room correction filter will also be on my task list (Euipment is already availabe REW, UMIK, ..).

    Thank you for you kind offer to provide further assistance !

    hello chipfunk,

    thank you very much for fixing the access issue :)

    I downloaded all files and installed everything on my S912 TV Box running LE 11.06.

    I did not yet setup any audio connection (here i have to learn a lot and try to fiddle out the correct setup), but i can confirm that brutefir service is already up and running and the PULSE:Null Output is selectable in the System/Audio Setting.

    So the first steps are done !

    Again, thank you very much and please keep on going :)

    best regards