Posts by Wolfpig

    Thanks Da Flex!

    Original post with edits follows below:

    This puzzled me for some time until I switched the TV's HDMI range to Full. This solved the issue almost immediately and was a night and day difference - suddenly I could see all the detail I had been missing. The problem was, that normal, non-HDR content now appeared brightened and washed out, so one step forward, one step back.

    Only quoting that part, as most of the rest is not relevant on that matter.

    To keep it simple.

    The TV is not creating the same level of brightness/saturation/color on sdr content when that is displayed with hdr as it most likely supports only a low level hdr on sdr content (mostly happens on lcd/led screens, oleds are far better to get a good sdr on hdr picture).

    So the problem with the washed out colors is normal and might be lessend by adjusting stuff like brightness when it is displayed (but would also affect hdr as you change it in that mode).

    You might search the net if people might have posted settings guides for that TV which you might like to try.

    BTW. Switching the color range to full was needed as hdr formats like dolby vision only work with the enhanced color space.

    This might not help you, but if you have still trouble, on the current nightly (b5ce01c) the hevc files I have tried (some uhd hdr promo movies) run fine.... the hevc decoder which is used seems to be even using a hardware decoding. (at least the info says so).

    What I remember right now, on the pi4 I had the same with certain files, but I think that was more as the persons who made that used some uncommon formats like hevc 8bit or so which made problems with hw decoding.

    Dont think I have those files still here, otherwise I would check if those still would make trouble

    What i forgot to mention at the time (and postings seem to not editable).

    If that happens i can sometimes switch the hdmi input in the avr to some other port, wait a few seconds, swiotch back and the picture gets shown, other times i need to do a hard reset (probably a reboot would work too if i had some other control at hand which can cause that).

    And here is a idea if it is any help at all, as that got created after a reboot (which i needed to do after a reboot as the Wireless connection was not active after the reboot when the detection problem happend..without debug log active) when that happend, and no idea if it internally always acts the same at that part (not even sure if it is completely a libreelec/kodi problem, as i do not know at which point at boot the hdmi detection kicks in)


    I recently switched to a pi5 (pi in use before) and have a small problem.

    Everything runs fine, but for some reason when i power the pi on often it wont display a picture when the corresponding hdmi port gets automatically switched by the connected devices. (sometimes even if everything is already set to the correct ones)

    The pi is connected to an AVR and that to the TV....TV & AVR are already turned on

    I also already know why it happens.

    For some reason the physical hdmi port (which can be set in the cec plugin options) gets switched to a random port number (most of the time 2020, 2200 or something) and sometimes the detected (AVR/TV becomes a playback device or so) device gets switched too. As this has never happend before at any point in the last 5 years with the pi4 (or the pi3 i used a while before that) so im not sure where the problem is.

    Things i already tried.

    Creating an custom edid through the command shell.

    Tried different options in the cec plugin (that is why i know that everything works as intended when the physical port is the same as the set hdmi is port 2 on the AVR btw.)

    So my question is, can i fix that behavior in some way?

    Or is it an issue with the libreelec software (or the cec plugin) and i need to report it as a bug and hope it gets resolved?