I didn' knew about the node editor and this looks a good point to start with : thanks.
The UI I have choosen (untill then) is AeonNox, which supports top level menu items creation.
I'm going to work with this and see what I'll get.
I didn' knew about the node editor and this looks a good point to start with : thanks.
The UI I have choosen (untill then) is AeonNox, which supports top level menu items creation.
I'm going to work with this and see what I'll get.
After populating a movies folder, I've been thinking that it might be nice to make a difference between movies and animation movies (ie / eg, Pixar)
The idea behind is to have an account for children with this very menu item enabled, so other movies would remain out of reach.
Creating another menu item was easy (so I have now Movies, Animated, and Series), and having it pointing to a dedicated directory was easy as well.
But I'd like to have a nice background made of fanart from animation movies and animation movies only.
From what I've seen, the scrapper makes no difference between types of movies : am I right, or wrong ?
I'd like to know if some people had the same kind of idea, and how they managed to implement it
Thanks all, and warm regards
Hello all,
I'm new to LibreElec / KODI and after dealing with install and configuration issues (most of them sorted, that's a learning curve) I decided to stop by and say hello, and most important a big thanks to the team.
LibreElec is truly impressive (my daughter and grandson are already very fond of it) and it seems it's a virtually endless realm of possibilities due to the numerous add ons and conf options.
I choosed to run Silvio Aeon Nox of the top of it (still a fews things to configure to make it neat ...) and it's great.
See you all soon