Posts by pets

    Hello dtech ,

    I recently started to utilize Libreelec on a Wetek Play ( with dual DVB-S2 after switching to sat/unicable - Xmas project after long year experience with Linux/VDR/Kodi/Pulseaudio/... on PCs/Laptops/Raspis - thank you for the great SW for the box. Maybe you have few hints for me:

    1. After fresh install to NAND I just can get black screen - so far made it work including IR-remote (black Terratec NEC remote) as update to v8 after no success via disp_cap/guisettings.xml. Any other proposal?
      (thought about setting the display mode via 'echo 1280p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode' if ssh would be enabled after fresh install ;)
    2. Loading alsa-device via module-udev-detect (want to try to utilize networked audio from Linux Laptops) leads to:
      pulseaudio[2118]: E: [pulseaudio] ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to open module /usr/lib/pulse/ /usr/lib/pulse/ undefined symbol: pa_alsa_ucm_device_update_available
      maybe related to .
      Manually loading the alsa device via pactl load-module module-alsa-sink (with or without device=hw:0,0) loads it but leads to 'audio data unaligned' :
      ====== audio_set_aiubuf ====== [103458.099160@1] I2S hw init,i2s mode 0
      [103458.099164@1] iec958 mode PCM16
      [103458.099170@1] aml_hw_iec958_init audio sr 44100
      [103458.099175@1] IEC958 16bit
      [103458.174502@1] audio data unligned: pos=2204, n=4816, align=16
      [103458.246167@1] audio data unligned: pos=2140, n=1360, align=16
      ... ('audio data unaligned' continues - with disturbed sound)

    Your feedback is highly appreciated and thanks again.
    I case of any logs or tests just let me know.

    A happy new year!