Posts by dile

    Hello forum,

    I have a Magenta TV Stick that is comparable in hardware to the Raxda Zero and on which I would like to install Libreelec.

    CPU: S905Y2 / 4x 1.8 GHz / ARM Cortex-A53
    GPU: ARM Mali-G31 MP2

    I put the box image on a USB stick and then set the meson-g12a-radxa-zero.dtb in the uEnv.ini.

    dd if=LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.3-box.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=fsync

    Unfortunately it doesn't boot from the USB stick but goes directly into the Android TV.

    However, I can boot from the USB stick if I put Coreelec on there. Booting works with, among other things, the g12a_s905y2_2g.dtb or the g12a_s905y2_radxa_zero.dtb.

    Does anyone have a tip for me on how to get Libreelec booted? Or does that not work with the device?

    Thank you very much, greetings dile :)