Thank you! This helps identify exactly where I would need to recode stuff. Luckily not so much in my case.
Posts by Olphmuse
Ok. I can find affected mkv files like this:
find . -name "*mkv" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -t -J % ffprobe % -show_entries stream=codec_name -select_streams v:0 -of compact=p=0:nk=1 -v 0 > ~/ffprobe-result.txt 2>&1 &
Works on BSD / Mac (xargs is non standard ...)
Maybe dumb question: Is a hevc file not played at all or is this just limited in some way?
I found today that on LE 9.2 / KODI 18 my TV Show scraper is no longer working. So unfortunately the e) above may not apply to everyone.
I'm considering a reinstall.
How can I tell if this issue affects me at all? I guess I should scan my video files? Is there an easy way to check this?