Posts by jmthecameraman

    I've had similar issues connecting to the internet for some time now, and in the past similar issues did indeed relate to the time server. In my case the network appeared as "ready" rather than online. Some things to check:
    if you type route -n, is your default gateway matching your router address? (192..168.1.1 is a common default). If you have it listed as, then in the file

    nano /storage/.cache/connman/wifi_..._managed_psk/settings

    do you have a line for


    (or whatever your router address is)? Add it if it's missing.
    This was missing for me, and adding it, and restarting connman

    systemctl restart connman

    solved the issue for me. I don't know why or how it was missing, but something in the recent version changes had this happen to me.

    Hope that helps.