Posts by mamena

    I can't find the transmission service addon in any repository that works, so I install docker and follow the installation instructions. I download and unzip but it creates the containers-master folder with a single file called, it does not create the Dockerfiles-master folder, as the docker instructions say, so I cannot continue with the installation. The Readme file. md only includes the text '# LibreELEC containers This repository contains Docker containers for use with the LibreELEC 'JeOS' Linux distribution.'

    Any explanation on how to install transmission? Any alternative with another torrent client?

    thanks, I'll try to search for other containers (but till now - it does not look like LibreELEC is having a huge amount of documentation related to docker)

    about hijacking threads - I'm used to asking in existing (similar) threads instead of creating new ones. On many forums the policy is to open new thread only if there is nothing similar to your problem.

    Did you finally manage to install transmission in LibreELEC 11.0.3 on a Raspberry 4? If so, can you guide me? I can't find the addon in any repository