Posts by lmsguerr

    it isn't bricked ...

    I have a pretty good idea of what is happening and have to build an appropriate image to restore it so the older u-boot loader is installed on the NAND chip (the new u-boot loader is what is faulty --- and I don't know why it is being used if it is known to be problematic [what advantages does it provide? if any])

    i have lots on my plate right now so this is a low priority item that I will eventually provide a solution for

    I apreciate your help! Thanks in advance!!!

    Hi! I've read this thread and it seems that i am in the same situation. Can't boot my wetek hub after a proper emmctool write with LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.3-wetek-hub.img.gz image.

    here is my uart log from boot:

    I'm prepared to shorted the pins to force a boot from mSD. But i need assistance for that. Wich pins to i have to shorted. I've attached an image of my hub.

    Do i need to disassemble the hub more? How do i do that? How can i take the wifi antenna connector?

    Thanks in advance!