Posts by johnrxx99

    Hi, I have updated my router from TP Link to Asus. On the old router the network link from the RPI to my Synology server was The new network link is

    Therefore, Kodi cannot connect. Is there a way to change the link and retain the details on the RPi or do I have to reflash and reload?

    I've tried to add a new network link but it just hangs.

    Thanks. So is there a perminent workaround or am I f**ked. I have no ablity with SSH and if you can guide me with the date command. I can keep the raspberry going without turning off. Of course I can still see the files on my server - I can live without the metadata I guess but a big drag.

    I'm amazed I'm the only Raspberry/Kodi user to have this issue - perhaps I'm the only one using PLDT (Philippines Long Distance Telephone).

    Further help/assistance so very much appreciated.

    Cheers, John

    Hi, my earlier thread seems to have gone: in essense my internet connection to LE/Kodi has failed since the latest update. I've flashed new installs on both RPi3 and 4 with the same result so it's not the Raspberrys. It is not a wifi issue either as I'm using ethernet.

    In my last post I was asked to send a log. I've borrowed a laptop so I can read the instructions of how to make a log and run the RPi4 on my main PC screen.

    The last thread that has gone gave a link on how to make and post a log. Could another Mod please repost it?

    Many thanks :shy:

    Hi, hope this is the right place to post and sorry it's a bit long.

    About two weeks ago I noticed my Libre/Kodi/Pi4 media player was not scraping TV content when I added a new file to the library. Movies were OK. Then as week later the time was wrong and then movies wouldn't scrap. I discovered that no Kodi addons would update or add any new ones. I turned off wireless and used ethernet but no difference.

    So I decided today to start again I've loaded the latset Libre/Kodi apps using the Libre installer and all went well but the problem remains. I've read that it may be the clocks but I can't see a way to adjust them or indeed set time zone etc.

    So I'm lost. I can see the files and they work but no information is scrapped into the library. I hope it isn't the RPi4.

    Please tell me if I should take this to the Kodi forum but I thought this was a good place to start.

    Cheers, John