Posts by Olibert70

    I kindly ask for help on the following problem.

    My remote control works fine with LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-1 10.0.4, but not at all with LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-11.0.3.

    What I found out so far:

    systemctl status lircd shows inter alia:
    could not create lock file "/var/lock

    ls -la /var/ shows i.a.:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Aug 13 10:08 lock -> ../run/lock

    ls -la /run/ shows i.a.:
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 60 Aug 13 10:08 lock

    There are 2 files relevant for the working remote control: lircd.conf and lirc_options.conf.

    Both files have these permissions: "rw-r--r--"

    Content of lircd.conf

    HTPC:~ # cat /storage/.config/lircd.conf

    # Please take the time to finish this file as described in


    # and make it available to others by sending it to

    # <[email protected]>


    # This config file was automatically generated

    # using lirc-0.10.1(uirt2) on Fri Sep 4 17:32:41 2020

    # Command line used: -H uirt2 -d /dev/ttyACM0 /etc/lirc/lircd.conf

    # Kernel version (uname -r): 5.1.16


    # Remote name (as of config file): Harmony665

    # Brand of remote device, the thing you hold in your hand:

    # Remote device model nr:

    # Remote device info url:

    # Does remote device has a bundled capture device e. g., a

    # usb dongle? :

    # For bundled USB devices: usb vendor id, product id

    # and device string (use dmesg or lsusb):

    # Type of device controlled

    # (TV, VCR, Audio, DVD, Satellite, Cable, HTPC, ...) :

    # Device(s) controlled by this remote:

    begin remote

    name Harmony665

    driver uirt2

    bits 48

    eps 30

    aeps 100

    one 0 0

    zero 0 0

    gap 105862

    toggle_bit_mask 0x0

    frequency 38000

    begin codes

    KEY_POWER 0x0C040F800000

    KEY_RECORD 0x17040F800000

    KEY_STOP 0x19040F800000

    KEY_PAUSE 0x18040F800000

    KEY_REWIND 0x15040F800000

    KEY_PLAY 0x16040F800000

    KEY_FORWARD 0x14040F800000

    KEY_PREV 0x1B040F800000

    KEY_NEXT 0x1A040F800000

    KEY_BACK 0x23040F800000

    KEY_INFO 0x0F040F800000

    KEY_UP 0x1E040F800000

    KEY_DOWN 0x1F040F800000

    KEY_LEFT 0x20040F800000

    KEY_RIGHT 0x21040F800000

    KEY_OK 0x22040F800000

    KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x10040F800000

    KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x11040F800000

    KEY_MUTE 0x0E040F800000

    KEY_CHANNELUP 0x12040F800000

    KEY_CHANNELDOWN 0x13040F800000

    KEY_MENU 0x000600010400

    KEY_MEDIA 0x48040F800000

    KEY_EPG 0x26040F800000

    KEY_TV 0x25040F800000

    KEY_DVD 0x24040F800000

    KEY_1 0x01040F800000

    KEY_2 0x02040F800000

    KEY_3 0x03040F800000

    KEY_4 0x04040F800000

    KEY_5 0x05040F800000

    KEY_6 0x06040F800000

    KEY_7 0x07040F800000

    KEY_8 0x08040F800000

    KEY_9 0x09040F800000

    KEY_NUMERIC_STAR 0x1D040F800000

    KEY_0 0x00040F800000

    KEY_NUMERIC_POUND 0x1C040F800000

    KEY_CLEAR 0x0A040F800000

    KEY_ENTER 0x0B040F800000

    KEY_TEXT 0x5A040F800000

    KEY_RED 0x5B040F800000

    KEY_GREEN 0x5C040F800000

    KEY_YELLOW 0x5D040F800000

    KEY_BLUE 0x5E040F800000

    KEY_HOME 0x080000070400

    # KEY_COMPOSE 0x042300160400

    end codes

    end remote

    Content of lirc_options.conf

    HTPC:~ # cat /storage/.config/lirc_options.conf

    # These are the default options to lircd, if installed as

    # /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf. See the lircd(8) and lircmd(8)

    # manpages for info on the different options.


    # Some tools including mode2 and irw uses values such as

    # driver, device, plugindir and loglevel as fallback values

    # in not defined elsewhere.


    nodaemon = False

    driver = uirt2

    device = /dev/ttyACM0

    output = /run/lirc/lircd.socket

    pidfile = /run/lirc/

    plugindir = /usr/lib/lirc/plugins

    permission = 666

    allow-simulate = No

    repeat-max = 600

    #effective-user =

    #listen = [address:]port

    #connect = host[:port]

    #loglevel = 6

    #release = true

    #release_suffix = _EVUP

    #logfile = ...


    uinput = False

    nodaemon = False

    # modinit is not supported in LibreELEC

    # [modinit]

    # code = /usr/sbin/modprobe lirc_serial

    # code1 = /usr/bin/setfacl -m g:lirc:rw /dev/uinput

    # code2 = ...

    # [lircd-uinput]

    # add-release-events = False

    # release-timeout = 200

    # release-suffix = _EVUP


    I'm using Logitech Harmony 665 for TV, AVR and HTPC, which runs Libreelec 10.0.4 (Generic.x86_64).

    The IR-receiver is Atric Wakeup USB eco. Honestly I had some issues to get it running. At the end modified lircd.conf and lirc_options.conf did the trick. I mostly like the Atric receiver, because it allows to switch the HTPC on and off via the Harmony 665.

    However, for reasons I couldn't sort out so far, the above-mentioned setup stopped working as of Libreelec 11.0.1.