Posts by cedel

    Kodi was running, while you tried to change/delete the file? In that case I suppose it would save the file from memory to disk on shutdown...

    In case you don't want to stop the Kodi process and then change the file, have you tried shutting the Rpi down, removing the memory card/flashdisk and modifying the file via different computer?

    Don't forget to make backup of the file, just in case...

    I ran into similar problems when installing on RPi4. I got it to work, finally. It's been a while, but I think I did the following:

    1. I wanted to run snapserver and stream output of Kodi to different snapclients (I have a different computer with decent soundcard running snapclient, among other things, connected to audio amplifier)

    2. If I remember correctly (and looking at the changes I made), the problem was that Kodi sound stream was passed to '/tmp/snapkodi' file which should be picked up by snapserver and streamed to clients. No matter what I've tried, snapserver would not play from that file.

    3. So in the end I ended up modifying 'snapserver.start' file and changed 'file' variable to point to the default '/tmp/snapfifo' file. That did most of the trick.

    4. The pulse and audio output settings have to be set correctly.

    Another thing to consider is that the version of plugin and hence the snapserver is quite old and newer versions might be fixed (either on plugin configuration part or snapserver part) - don't know yet.

    Guess I'll find out when I upgrade.