Posts by gonzuchna

    I will repeat the experiment with "pastekodi" an publish links to the forum.

    Any hints where in the file structure I can look for ProFTPD server logs? In the past I "walked" though the files of LibreELEC with SSH but I am not sure I understand the logic of the filestructure enough.

    BTW, reading the responses to IP camera when it tries to upload the file one can come to the conclusion that FTP server is not running, not a problem with negotiations during session setup.


    Both logs (11.0.4 - first and 11.0.3 - second) were uploade ~11 AM CET. The first attached picture (189b) points log of 11.0.4 (problematic) and the second one (190c) points to log from 11.0.3 (ftp works without any problems).

    Both systems are fresh - just installed. Only two plugins are installed: ProFTPD Server and Kodi Log Uploader. RPi's IP in both cases is the same ( Experiments were done with the help of HIK IP camera ( which tried to ftp a test file to the server (

    FTP user and password in both cases were the same.

    Though task :) I am rather a user not a programmer or system developer. Any hints (steps) what should I do to switch on logging and submit them to the forum?

    I guess the experimet should be done with the camera which uploads a picture to ProFTP server, either from version 11.0.3 and from 11.0.4 to show that in the first case the ftp upload is OK and in the second one the IP camera cannot get to the server?

    I am using IPTV Recorder addon either on LE9.2.8 or LE10.0.4 on RPi4B as well as RPi400. Both SW platforms use ffmpeg application (ported by LibreELEC team) with exactly the same parameters (!!! - I compared the code of calling ffmpeg on both SW platformas) to record an IPTV stream on SD card of RPi. The same stream recorded on LE9.2.8 is perfect in quality when played back, whereas that recorded on LE10.0.4 is blurred, hanging times to times. I am 100% sure it is not related to the quality of input stream as I recorded the same stream at the same moment on both SW platforms. Versions of ffmpeg executable are different on both SW platforms. Is (may) it be related to problems with ffmpeg application on Matrix? On LE10.0.4 I tried different versions of ffmpeg available. I was not able to test the case on LE11.0.1 as IPTV recorder is not working on NEXUS although Publisher3r review its IPTV Recorder addon to Nexus version about 2 month ago. I can install his addon on NEXUS on RPi4 howewer it cannot integrate with IPTV Simple.