Hello Hias,
It works! It's alive!
Thank you!
Hello Hias,
It works! It's alive!
Thank you!
Thank you for the info. I will try tonight and report.
With the configuation below, I get no display (the screen remains black):
Rasberry Pi 5 8Gb
New Raspberry HDMI A to HDMI D cables
Sony Bravia KDL-40W5500
Libreelec 11.0.6 for Raspberry 5
Raspberry 27W power supply
I tried changing the HDMI cable, the SD card, the HDMI port of the TV, but the situation remains the same.
If I take the SD card out, I get the following message:
display: DISP0: HDMI HDP=1 EDID=ok #2 DISP1: HPD=0 EDID=none #0
When I replace the Raspberry by a Rasperry 4B, all is fine, and Libreelec displays on the TV.
Would anyone have a clue of what the problem could be?
Dear mglae, it worked! Thank you! Once the wifi is then connected, it is possible to "edit" and "delete" it in LibreElec.
IIRR "connect" will ask for a new password if the current does not match.
I tried this: it doesn't ask but tries to connect with the previously saved passphrase and fails.
How to change WiFi password in LE 11.0.1?
In the network settings there are only two options "connect" and "refresh".
Connman will overwrite the WiFi settings file.
So, how to change the WiFi password?