Posts by Henri Funck

    Please, can you elaborate on this? Is there any guide about it? I use USB DAC with studio monitors, so those settings are important for me. Thanks.

    If you use the USB DAC for Kodi playback, then set the backend setting to pulseaudio_rtp

    Otherwise, set the backend setting to alsa and set the alsa_device setting to specify the USB DAC (the 'aplay -l' or 'aplay -L' terminal commands will help you finding available alsa devices, for instance hw:2,0).

    If you cannot make it work, then provide more details about your setup (the outputs of 'aplay -l' and 'aplay -L', and explain what uses the USB DAC).

    This link lists librespot options, but you should not need them:

    I'm used to librespot installed on Raspbian Lite. Now, on LibreELEC config in options is limited and I'm not sure how to edit settings file.

    I want to set this:


    Not sure if LIBRESPOT_BACKEND="alsa" is needed to work with Kodi. Also, credentials are not required for high quality streaming?

    Please, how can I set up this config on librespot in LibreELEC? Thanks.

    The librespot addon works fine with the default settings. Use a Spotify app to control it.

    With backend pulseaudio_rtp, librespot plays through Kodi.

    With backend alsa, librespot plays independently of Kodi but requires an audio device that Kodi does not use.

    If you really need to set extra options, use the options parameter to specify them.

    You can also call librespot from the command line or from a script.

    I don't have a suggestion, but I can second your impression. My guess before was that Librespot stops working when I don't explicitly disconnect from it but just leave the network.

    Is there a different version to install or can the plugin be restarted over a cron job or something? What can I do to help?
    Thanks for your help!

    Librespot used to stop working after it lost connection to Spotify
    Restarting librespot used to solve the issue, switching from wifi to wired network used to prevent it

    This may have been solved with the latest version of librespot