Posts by fedisa


    Personally, I worked around the issue by buying a usb hub and programmatically cycling the usb port power using uhubctl when the error is encountered (thus not requiring a full reboot), but this is obviously far from ideal.


    Hi jahutchi!

    I think I have the same problem with my setup (LibreELEC (official): 11.0.1 (RPi2.arm), kernel 6.1.19).

    I would like to implement your solution, e.g. power off and on the usb port to which the 'MyGica Mini DVB-(T/T2/C) USB Stick T230C v2" is connected.

    How can I install the uhubctl utility on LibreElec? Can you give me some directions?

    On my setup the problem blasts almost every day ;(

    Thank you!