Posts by pxel


    My english is bad and I'm very tired, sorry in advance.

    I'm trying to display LibreELEC on my CRT.
    My Pi3 is linked to the TV like this : HDMI -> VGA -> BNC -> CRT

    I successfully displayed 480i and even sometimes 240p with other OS like RaspberryPi OS (config.txt), but I can't with LibreELEC. I tried to edit the config.txt, one time I succeeded to display the splash logo in 480i but the OS doesn't go further, it was when I removed "vc4-kms-v3d" from "dtoverlay" in the file distroconfig.txt but I think the OS doesn't want to boot if this value is missing.

    I also tried to go to the kodi display setting via hdmi on modern tv to see if I can manually choose "720x480i" and then reboot, but this resolution is missing (I can see this resolution in Kodi on raspbian for example, or Recalbox).

    Now LibreELEC boot, but my crt doesn't support this resolution, and my screen is like cut in half.

    Thank for your help :)