Posts by Cukier

    Okay well, i deicided i will dig into that problem :)
    Well i tried that DietPi with Kodi and it kinda works awfull, also installation is kinda not friendly and install time is so long.
    I want to try LibreELEC with experimental v12, it's much more lightweight. I know that it don't have enougth RAM (512) but it should at least run it. If anyone somehow launched it on Rpi02W please share the knowledge with me :)

    Hi. I want to start have fun with LibreELEC. But i occured problems at startup. On boot i got this error:

    *** Error in mount_sysroot: mount_commonL Could not mount /flash/SYSTEM ***### Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount_sysroot... type exit to quit ###

    I tried release build for rpi2, nightly builds for rpi2 and same problem (v11 and v12).
    I heard i should use rpi2 builds for Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
    Also i tried rpi4 release, it goes further (it repartition sd card). But after reboot it get's bootloop.

    What can i do to make it working ?