You can download the image at:
LibreELEC-XT-Q8L-V10.arm-9.1.001-rk3288.img - while "This post will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator."
Does anyone have a working link for an RK3288 Q8 image? Thanks!
You can download the image at:
LibreELEC-XT-Q8L-V10.arm-9.1.001-rk3288.img - while "This post will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator."
Does anyone have a working link for an RK3288 Q8 image? Thanks!
Codeparted -s /dev/sdb mklabel gpt parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 40s 100% parted -s /dev/sdb name 1 'MEDIA' mkfs.ext4 -L "MEDIA" /dev/sdb1 fsck.ext4 -y /dev/sdb1
this creates a GPT partition structure, creates a single primary ext4 partition that is 100% of the available space, labels the partition "MEDIA" then formats an ext4 filesystem labelled as "MEDIA" (for consistency) then fsck's the partition to ensure all is okay. Commands assume /dev/sda is the boot SSD and /dev/sdb is the secondary HDD. You need to check/validate /dev/sdb by checking dmesg output as the commands are destructive.
Thanks for this help on adding a second hard drive!
I have tested out the current image for Legacy Generic PC on both the 8GB and 16GB versions of the Beelink U59 Pro with the 11th Gen N5105 processor and they have worked great. I have also been using the Beelink Mini S12 Pro with 16GB RAM and the 12th Gen N100 processor with no issues. They also seem to work well with the Wechip G20S and G40 remotes.
You can find both of these mini PCs on Amazon for less than the price of an Nvidia Shield Pro.