Posts by PeteJ

    just realized no one can even see my question since it has to be approved by a moderator. anyways i installed an earlier build 9.2.8 from back in 2020. it works. abosilutley no problems. i can't belive i spent so much time today trying to make this work, just to try an older version and have that just work without doing anything. what am i missing out on by having a 3 years old version? i am so frustrated with how i wasted my day i think im just going to stick with the old one. does the new version not even support composite?

    trying to do NTSC composite on a rasberry pi3. I used the USB-SD creator to make my micro sd. it didnt get past the rainbow boot at first but i adjusted my boot settings for ntsc composite. now it just gets to the LE spash screen and doesn't do anything. it shows the rainbow boot screen, then it shows the libreelec spash screen, and it just stays frozen on it. really wanted to set up a media player on my cool little old tube tv, thought it was going to be super easy, burn an sd card image and turn it on, ha, 5 hours of frustration later i give up. what am i doing wrong??? if you plug it into an hdmi display it gets past the bootscreen and works. it's the newest version, 11.0.1