Posts by sIRwa2

    Oke, i think i found MY issue (sorry for taking over this topic for a while.) After installing Debian 12 the problem persisted. after more googling and testing i can confirm that my AOC 16T2 portable monitor (which is great) using USB both for power AND touch screen capabilities.

    when unplugging the usb the reboot behavior is gone.

    Sorry again for any wasted time you guys end.

    Aaa. oke sry for the spam, that is the most unfriendly formatting. So i guess its 3 ssh commands to run:


    docker run -d --name=41641-tailscaled -v /storage/.config/dockers/tailscale/var/lib:/var/lib -v /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --network=host --privileged --restart unless-stopped tailscale/tailscale tailscaled


    docker exec 41641-tailscaled tailscale up --accept-routes --accept-dns=false --advertise-exit-node --advertise-routes= --snat-subnet-routes=false


    docker exec 41641-tailscaled tailscale up

    Did i get that right?

    Hm, that code has all these backslashes that doesnt run well in the terminal. i ran this:

    docker run -d --name=41641-tailscaled -v /storage/.config/dockers/tailscale/var/lib:/var/lib -v /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --network=host --privileged --restart unless-stopped tailscale/tailscale tailscaled # # SERVER CONFIG: # docker exec 41641-tailscaled # tailscale up # --accept-routes # --accept-dns=false # --advertise-exit-node # --advertise-routes=192.168.x.0/24 \# --snat-subnet-routes=false# # CLIENT CONFIG:# docker exec 41641-tailscaled# tailscale up#

    i also installed the portainer addon. I do see 41641-tailscaled up and running. but i have a feeling i noobed this up from there on. not use how to check ill try later today.

    scan and repair did not find any issues.. was impossible to get the test report out. why is linux sometimes SO user unfriendly? (yes i know why but arg..) anyway problem still persists. i can try and run it again if you like to review the reports.

    installed LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0.4.img but same thing. Could it be an ssd thing?

    having the same issue with vanilla LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.1


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    cant seem to umount the loop device manually either.

    Hi, i was wondering if anyone has some suggestion on how to update Tailscale remotely? I followed this guideon reddit for setting up Tailscale starting with the (x86-64)

    all working splendid, but as i think more people use tailscale, maybe you guys have some tips or tricks? especially for updating.

    thank you