Posts by brick

    Not sure if this is a related issue or not, so please bear with me…

    I've been attempting to install the following add-ons at different times over the past 24hrs, but always get an instant "Installation failed" message back on-screen:

    1. System Tools
    2. Raspberry Pi Tools

    My Pi 4 recently automatically upgraded itself to LibreELEC v11.0.0 after running the v11 beta for a few weeks beforehand. Prior to installing the beta, I was able to install the above add-ons when running the stable releases of v10.

    Both of these add-ons in the Add-Ons 'search' detail view are noted as v10.80.12.0 – is this a LibreELEC/add-on version mismatch issue, or could I be experiencing problems with the Add-On server like others?

    My IP address is x.x.60.241