Posts by jabin

    not sure what you mean by tvheadend?

    I'm trying to run the TVHeadend script so i can access the setup from my browser because I typed in the correct IP and Port after installing TVH, but it didn't load the page. (I am on the right network)

    Unable to connect
    Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at
        The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
        If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
        If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web.

    PuTTY worked for me, but trying to run tvheadend fails.

    I typed tvheadend and it didn't work.

    (just realized i turned this topic into "trying to enable tvheadend)

    I'm able to use SSH from PowerShell on a Win11 Pro (arm) VM under vmware Fusion so I assume it can/should work from the x86_64 version too. Please ensure that you didn't enable the 'disable password auth' (allow only key-auth) option in LE settings, because this is confusingly worded and will not stop the box from prompting for a password; but does prevent password auth from ever working. Assuming that wasn't the issue, install PuTTY and use that instead.

    I think the issue might be the IP address I'm using... I'm new to LE but the IP address I put in for SSH was the one listed by my WiFi network in the LibreElec settings -> Network section. Is that the right IP?

    I installed LibreELEC on my Rpi4, and everything worked fine except for the audio. I found a post here:

    No audio - General Support - LibreELEC Forum that said that I needed to SSH into it and change the value of one of the files. I tried using the default username and password first and it didn't work. I tried setting a custom password and that didn't work either. I tried using no password at all, and still no luck.

    If it means anything to you, I'm trying to use SSH from PowerShell on Windows 11.

    Edit: when password is disabled i get error

    jabin@[ip address]: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

    I've tried using PS, Windows Subsystem for Linux, and even the command prompt and they all return the same error.