Posts by ezhik

    1. first CEC works

    2. when I switch off TV and switch it on again: CEC still works

    3. when I switch off TV and wait one night and switch on TV (several different type of TVs), KODI seems to be in a sleep mode and can´t be activated with the TV remote control

    4. after I activate KODI with a USB Keyboard, I can reuse CEC without rebooting libreelec.

    I reckon if you keep that attitude up you’ll be left on your own. Do you realise that all this work is done voluntarily. I’m sure the guys will not be too worried about your first world problems. They are well aware of the problem and no doubt will resolve it in due course when they are ready. Your post is not one bit helpful.

    keep cool mate - I appreciate the work of all volunteers - the devs at libreelec might be aware of the problem but the typical user cant see any information about these major problems and everyone tries to find several kind of solutions and mess up their own installation, while the issue has to be solved on the addon server side

    Tried to install PVR IPTV Simple Client. Every tutorial tells go to add-ons -> install from repository -> all repositories -> PVR-Clients

    There, I got Audio, Video, Games , Weather and lot more "Chapters", but no PVR-Clients. Where is it gone?

    It seems to be a major bug in the AddOn Repository, which is currently broken for Raspberry Pis. There are as well AddOns, which can´t be installed due to unsatisfied dependencies and additionally it seems not be possible to install these dependencis by manually downloading the AddOns as zip file (the correct one, not the android version I used above).

    @ForumMods: It is currently not helpful to wait for moderation, as many users obviously have the same problem.