Posts by Splendor

    In order to try to solve the issue I have downloaded the file from…ory=Chrome%20OS

    Then I have copied this file to the RBpi 3B and have opened InputStreamHelper / Debug / Install Widevine CDM library from specific source and direct it to the chromeos zipfile that I just downloaded.

    Then it starts extracting and when it is finished it says that "Update of widevine is necessary".

    So back to the point where I started.

    Below the text in kodi.log as result from the action above

    The good thing is that there are no complaints any more about filesizes & checksums.

    Thanks for your comments. I use a 16GB SD card from which 13.3G is still available.

    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    devtmpfs                330.5M      4.0K    330.5M   0% /dev
    tmpfs                   184.4M      8.8M    175.7M   5% /run
    /dev/mmcblk0p1          511.7M    124.8M    386.9M  24% /flash
    /dev/loop0              110.0M    110.0M         0 100% /
    /dev/mmcblk0p2           13.4G    102.7M     13.3G   1% /storage
    tmpfs                   461.0M         0    461.0M   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                     4.0M         0      4.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                   461.0M      2.3M    458.8M   0% /var
    tmpfs                   461.0M         0    461.0M   0% /tmp


    I have done a clean install from LibreElec 10.0.4 on a Raspberry Pi 3B with and installed some Addons

    (Retrospekt, ARD) and can watch TV.

    However, some channels ask to install Widevine and when I try to do that then I get an error message.

    I have rebooted and tried to reinstall Widevine via the inputstreamhelper addon, but with the same result.

    When I look in Kodi.log then I see the following lines:

    2023-02-01 12:37:16.289 T:838     ERROR <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Widevine CDM is not installed.
    2023-02-01 12:37:16.296 T:838   WARNING <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Recursively create directory '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/temp/'.
    2023-02-01 12:37:17.658 T:774      INFO <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
    2023-02-01 12:37:17.658 T:774      INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    2023-02-01 12:37:30.042 T:838   WARNING <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Downloading ChromeOS image for Widevine: BOB (15236.66.0)
    2023-02-01 12:37:30.350 T:838   WARNING <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] The given file size does not match the request!
    2023-02-01 12:37:30.357 T:774      INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    2023-02-01 12:40:36.358 T:838     FATAL <general>: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Download failed, checksums do not match!

    Complete log can be found here

    The reason I did a clean install is that I was also facing problems with Widevine in the previous installation i.e. LibreELEC (official): 9.2.8. ( Kodi 18.9.0)

    Up till a few days that install was working fine.

    When I search in the kodi.log of that installation, then I run into the same set of lines:

    2023-02-01 19:52:21.017 T:1790935936  NOTICE: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Downloading ChromeOS image for Widevine: BOB (15236.66.0)
    2023-02-01 19:52:21.119 T:1790935936  NOTICE: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] The given file size does not match the request!
    2023-02-01 19:56:15.016 T:1790935936   ERROR: [script.module.inputstreamhelper] Download failed, checksums do not match!

    So I have the impression that there is a problem with widevine itself.

    I did some searching w.r.t. this issue and found some old posts, but they have a slightly different problem description and I'm not an expert.

    Any suggestions to solve this issue would be welcome.