Posts by UrushibaraRuka

    Little update:

    Had time to test around a few things, among them were several nightly builds. Nothing fixed the issue.

    Then I tried to remember if I had changed anything on the home network side before it started and yes, there was something I changed, I activated IPv6, in a 6to4 tunnel, and DNS over TLS.

    Reverting the DNS over TLS didn't help, deactivating IPv6 in my router seems to fix it, at least I haven't had the issue at all in the past 7 days.

    I'll update if necessary, because I have a hard time believing that libreelec has issues with IPv6 (6to4).

    Little update:

    A weekend with debug logging enabled later, to catch what might cause this, it didn't happen all weekend. I turned off debug logging and sure enough, 30 minutes later it happened again. But I still got some insight/info whats happening.

    From the logging in my router, it seems to happen when the system is renewing the DHCP lease. It happened 2:44am according to the system's time, and the router reports the last IP/DHCP activity for the system to be 2:44am as well.

    Unplugging the Ethernet cable to "reset" everything at first does nothing, but deactivating cable networks, unplugging the Ethernet cable, exiting back to main menu, going back to enabling cable networks and then replugging the Ethernet cable finally gets it to regain a usable connection. And I suspect it will stay that way until I reboot again.

    Still haven't tried the mentioned nightly yet, but will do that soon. Although, I'm not ruling out a hardware fault at this point, because the system is pretty old by now (about 10 years, it's an AM1 AMD Athlon 5350 system) so the board might be on its way out (the HDMI port is already starting to have issues when the plug is not in a certain position). Luckily, I got the exact same board as a spare that only ran maybe 2 years, so I'll test that too in case the nightly doesn't help.

    Just started to get a similar issue with my stable 12.0.1 Generic-Legacy, but it's not tied to the system suspending but just the NIC to stop functioning randomly. The fix is to restart the system.

    In the settings it shows that it doesn't get an IP from the router while all other systems have no issue at all, even tried to swap the LAN ports on the router side, but that doesn't help either.

    Unplugging the Ethernet cable and replugging it also doesn't do anything.

    The router itself on the other hand shows that the system is present, active and has an IP associated with it (it's set to always get the same IP).

    The system is fully unchanged using the 12.0.1 Generic-Legacy that was released in August last year, and it started happening yesterday. No add-on updates or anything, it just started.

    I'll try the mentioned nightly build in hopes that fixes it. If anyone has other ideas, I'm all ears (and yes, I also tried several other Ethernet cables).

    Just tried both "Generic" versions (standard and legacy) on my little AMD Athlon 5350 (Kabini on AM1 plattform) and had to downgrade pretty much instantly.

    The standard one I get into Kodi just fine but the Splashscreen has the green line thing going on again AND Kodi (not libreelec) restarts as soon as I try to get into any other screen that the main screen.

    The legacy is even worse, I don't even get into Kodi at all. Usually it's like this: "LibreELEC splashscreen -> black screen with mouse cursor -> Kodi splashscreen -> main screen" but with this version it's stuck indefinitely on the "black screen with mouse cursor" part.

    Maybe there's an issue with the legacy archive/build or I don't know.

    Sadly I'm not able to provide any logs. SMB access worked on both versions but the youngest log in the archive was from 3 days ago.

    Kodi Settings > Interface > Skin Settings > Show media flags

    These are the little things in the lower right corner and not what I meant.

    When I select one of my local shows I see for example "Season 2 - 1999" (without the "-", that's just for readability) and back in 11 beta 1 and previous I'd have, for example, "01. Lurch and His Piano - 21:26", the episode runtime right in the title, that's what I want back because right now it's just "01. Lurch and His Piano" and the time in the tiny, hard to read flag at the bottom.

    It also was "Title - runtime" for all video add-ons in 11 beta 1 and previous without having to play the video first, as it is now with the media flags, which is even more annoying.

    Anyone else having the issue that the UI doesn't show the video runtime anymore?

    In the first beta of 11 and all previous versions had the video runtime on the right side of the title in "List" or "WideList" view. Now it's gone.

    YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video add-ons only show the video runtime in a very tiny box in the lower right corner AFTER I had at least started the video.

    Local and network videos always show that tiny box for the runtime, together with other info, but not besides the titel as it used to.

    Any way to get the old behavior back with the runtime besides the titles? Was much easier on my eyes.

    You should be okay with the default "generic" one. I intentionally say "should" because we don't know yet exactly what kind of hardware has problems. You can still "update" to legacy later if you need to.

    Backed the old system up, updated to the generic version didn't work as planned. Switching through the menus, every time anything had to be redrawn, I had bad flickering in the center third like a black arrow pointing from left to right. And it felt very slow and sluggish, as if I'd been using a generic driver and not the GPU driver.

    I'm on the legacy version now and that seems to work as intended (more testing needed). Guess the Kabini APU or the Radeon R3 (sometimes labeled as HD8400, as I just found out) doesn't like the new system.