Posts by Bluecharge

    Hi, Check if at "System-Libreelec-Connections-Yourconnection-Edit" the "Connect Automatically" is enabled.

    Many times when the network connection is edited, that changing to "off" and need to enabled again.

    Hi VLouis,

    thank you very much for your idea.

    I found the option but it already was enabled.

    After a black-out/ hard shut-down the Pi, the wifi says "failure". After choosing the "connect" option manually, the wifi is marked as connected without any problem.

    Could you or anybody else please test it? Just switch off the power and on again, and see what it does?

    My Pi is newly setup with LibreELEC 9.2.4 which is the last recommended version for the 3B model.


    as I installed LibreELEC 9.x on a Raspberry 3b as an IPTV for my Mum, I ran into a problem:

    If the Raspberry is turned of by a switch socket (or e.g. after a blackout), on the new start the wifi will not connect automatically. I then have to access the option entry and manually connect to the wifi, which is quite impractical as I'm not always around if this happens.

    The goal is to use LibreELEC/Kodi as a turn-on-turn-off TV, which would be the perfect solution but with this issue it seems unpossible for now.

    Is this a known problem or do I miss something?

    Thank you for any advice!