Posts by razvanelgsm

    Matched DTB for "s4_ap201_4g"

    I was expecting S905W2 to be similar to S905X2 (G12A) but actually this is an S4 device so there is no usable support in the upstream kernel at this time. Some patches have started to dribble in but LE will not be supporting them anytime soon. I believe CE have been working on S4 with their vendor-kernel based fork - best to look there.

    yep, is S4, thanks for your time to check the logs.

    It's the first time someone shows up with an S905W2 board and it's hard cum impossible to diagnose these things without seeing the UART (serial console) output from the box. That requires a UART cable and cracking the box open to connect it, which often involves soldering pins to the board. I'm always game for that - but most users aren't?

    Hello! I have in hand Vontar X2 box with s905w2 and I manage connect serial wires and dump a boot log when i try to boot it from sdcard (armbian), I can provide this dumps and play more on this if you want to try.