Posts by Cpedregal

    Finally my visit is postponed 3 weeks... so for the moment I can't test more displays... :(

    Today I've noticed that switching to fkms driver makes that TV remote control is no longer functional and sound doesn't work neither, so that's not a solution, just a help to know what's happening.

    I've already test a new fresh hdmi cable, I don't believe I have a cable problem.

    I'll try to test in other displays, this problem is a little bit tricky :(


    Dear popcornmix

    Good news. Just switching to fkms driver solves the problem. Now the question is: what does it mean? ^^

    In fact, I have seen that version 9.2.8 works with kms driver.

    I also tried just adding the parameter to cmdline.txt resulting: (is it correct?)

    boot=UUID=1510-0749 disk=UUID=d96b0c6c-5cf0-4af9-9dae-dcd489a67035 quiet video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60D

    But this change doesn't solve the problem.

    I have seen that cmdline.txt has not changed from version 9 to 10, so it makes sense for me.

    This weekend I'm visiting my mother, I can test two more displays there.

    Anyway, for the moment this solution is great for me.

    Thank you very much for your work.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your help, dear friend popcornmix.

    Now I’m out from home but I’ll try to make the changes ASAP and keep you updated.

    I’m thinking on something… since LE version 9.2.8 is working fine for me, maybe you can suggest me to compare any specific file like distroconfig.txt or some one else…

    I can confirm there is not any extender in any case. And I can confirm that the problem is the same in at least 2 different displays. If I can’t solve the problem, I will try to test it in more displays.

    Thanks again!

    Hi guys,

    I’m working fine in my RPI 4 and LE 9.2.8, but right now I’m trying to upgrade to 10.0.3 and It always fails during first boot.

    Basically When I boot the RPI with a 10.0.3 image, I get a black screen, and then video signal is lost. I upgraded EEPROM to the lastest version and tried with LE 10.0.0, 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 and got the same results.

    Is there any specific procedure to install this version in a RPI 4 or I’m I missing anything?

    It’s very strange for me because my LE 9.2.8 image is working perfect :(

    Thanks in advance guys…


    Seems to be a HDMI issue. Tested in two different tv, if I boot the RPI with the Hdmi connector unplugged and observing the red LED in the mother board, if I connect the hdmi cable just when Red led is off during the booting… I get the splash image from LE and everything works fine.

    I’m using the original cable included with the RPI. Tried to include”hdmi_force_hotplug=1“ in config.txt, but it doesn’t solve the problem.

    Is there any solution available?
