Posts by polo_joe
since update to latest rpi4 build nightly-20220723-0008ab5 my sundtek dvb stick is not recognized anymore.
Is a rollback needed to get it working again?
I was thinking it would be a good task for rpi to convert recordings over night to save some space.
That's really too bad, thanks for clarification!
Is it possible to convert videos from h264 to h265 within libreelec on raspberry 4?
I tried with tools.ffmpeg-tools with syntax ffmpeg -i sample.mkv -c:v libx265 sample.mp4
but I get error Unknown encoder 'libx265'
Please update comskip to latest master
Thanks, update works again!
If I try to update bootloader on rpi4 to latest beta I get following output:
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS=beta rpi-eeprom-update -a *** INSTALLING EEPROM UPDATES *** BOOTLOADER: update available CURRENT: Tue Oct 5 07:53:57 UTC 2021 (1633420437) LATEST: Mon Nov 22 11:23:32 UTC 2021 (1637580212) RELEASE: beta (/usr/lib/kernel-overlays/base/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/beta) Use raspi-config to change the release. VL805_FW: Dedicated VL805 EEPROM VL805: up to date CURRENT: 000138a1 LATEST: 000138a1 CURRENT: Tue Oct 5 07:53:57 UTC 2021 (1633420437) UPDATE: Mon Nov 22 11:23:32 UTC 2021 (1637580212) BOOTFS: /flash xxd not found. Try installing the xxd package.
I 'm on latest nightly build. Does bootloader update to beta release not work anymore?
There are only builds for le 11 with kodi nexus.
Could someone provide builds from latest le 10 branch for rpi 4?
Sorry, but that is beyond my knowledge.
I'm also experiencing issues while doing large file transfers to usb3 ssd during livetv. So to me it seems some kind of usb weakness of rpi because there are no such issues with (much more powerful) x86 machine.
I switched my tuner to sundtek skytv 8 but with no improvement.
After some hours of debugging with sundtek support I was told that rpi (graphics driver) is locking system when playback is started. That's why usb is blocked, dvb buffer runs dry and some data of livetv gets lost.
Could this be improved somehow?
Here you can find the build I'm using myself
I realised I have tbs 5980, should this build work there too?
Hi, could you please provide a test build, I have no build environment here.
I will try recording on network, signal strength shouldn't be the issue.
I tried Generic build with same usb tuner and dvb cable with no problems.
EDIT: Today I tried recording on network, if I start playback during recording I get discontinuity errors.
I guess it would be useful to know which scenarios cause the problem and which do not.
I tried the following scenarios with no success
le and recording on sdcard
le on sdcard, recording on usb ssd
le and recording on usb ssd
le and recording on usb stick
The issue only occurs with hd channels, sd are ok.
Issue solved for me with the following solution:
No sound from HDMI audio on NUC board · Issue #2396 · clearlinux/distribution · GitHub